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Thank you to the committee of Midland Whippet Club for the invitation to judge dogs at their Championship show, and to my very able stewards for keeping the ring running smoothly. We were in the next ring to the judging of Whippets for Birmingham National show and this did cause some holdups and frustrating delays, leading to a long day for everyone.

In the absence of a referee, my co-judge Sue Gillespie and myself had to decide the placings between us and thankfully we managed to make our decisions without argument!

I was very pleased with my entry, I think the quality of exhibits was higher than the last time I judged 2 years ago, and some classes were particularly good- Junior, Limit and Open classes were full of quality and some lovely dogs had to go cardless. I found plenty of dogs that fulfilled my preference for a balanced, correct sized, moderate and fit dog with an elegant outline and flat muscling, good tuck up and without exaggeration, though some were just a little too long for my liking, which then meant that they lost that curvy outline on the move, also a few lacking in underjaw. Movement on the whole was pretty good.




VD (8,3a) All these veteran boys were in great condition, with lovely clean teeth.

  1. Fryer’s Ch Collooney Eye Love You at Stonefox, I’ve always admired this correct sized boy and was pleased to get the opportunity to go over him. 8 year old rich golden fawn boy in fabulous fit and well muscled condition. Lovely head and sweet expression, good underjaw, strong elegant neck into smooth shoulders, straight front, neat feet. Balanced outline with a deep brisket, still a good tuck up and curvy topline, moderate hind angulation balanced to front. Beautiful close fine coat and skin. Moved out really well with enthusiasm and enjoyed his day. 8 years is not really an old age in Whippets and I’d say this boy is still in his prime BVIS

  2. Barkas’s Jimanica Just Dreaming, another 8 year old boy still looking like a youngster in fit and well muscled condition. Gorgeous head and expression, elegant neck, smooth shoulders and a straight front , good flat bone down to neat feet. Correct fill in front and deep brisket, good topline and tail set, curvy underline, close coat . Moved really well in all directions.

  3. Shepherd’s Ch Citycroft Sundae with Oxana, another lovely 8 year old boy, this was a really great class.



VD 10+ years (4) What a lovely class of fit old boys!

  1. Wood’s Ch Ardencote Star Gazer, 10 year old quality fawn boy and another favourite of mine. Lovely head and gentle expression with good underjaw, long strong neck into correct shoulder, good fill and depth of brisket, neat feet. Still possesses a curvy outline and good tuck up, well muscled and has a soft fine coat. Unexaggerated hind angulation balanced to his front and low hocks. Moved very well in all directions, holding his topline.

  2. Webber’s Dark Wing, this 11 year old black boy is a credit to his owner, in really lovely condition with a beautiful shiny black coat, fit and well muscled. Handsome head with a soft expression, elegant neck into a correct front with strong well knuckled feet, good length of rib and loin, still has a defined tuck up, strong hindquarters and low hocks. Moved soundly and with enthusiasm.

  3. Leathart’s Ringmore Dalrymple



MPD (9)

  1. Wheeler’s First Class Soulad by Ranveli, what a stunning puppy! Mature 8 month old classy red brindle with presence and attitude, most beautiful head , strong underjaw, perfect earset and bright expression. Balanced in outline already, good length of rib and loin, elegant arched neck into correct shoulder, straight front with good fill and neat feet. Curvy top and underline, strong rear without exaggeration, low hocks. A really handsome boy with loads of quality. Can still strengthen behind going away but showed really light and effortless movement in profile with reach in front once settled- two changes of handler didn’t help! Loved him BPIS

  2. Lawley’s Lawleymoon Elba Lucia, nearly 7 months golden fawn and a real immature baby compared to 1st- I see they have the same sire. Handsome head with stop coming and lovely soft expression, fine quality coat and skin, elegant neck into smooth shoulders and a straight front with good fill for his age. Brisket deep already and a lovely tuck up with corresponding curve over loin. Strong unexaggerated hind with low hocks which he used to advantage on the move, very sound and showing good drive. A fidgety baby but very promising.

  3. Wood’s Ardencote Keep Dreaming, another lovely golden fawn baby, similar to 2nd. I would happily take any one of these three home!



PD (4,1a)

  1. Powell & Mycroft’s Supeta’s Jammie Dodger for Almakaeala 11 months fawn/white trim, mature puppy with a handsome head and expression, elegant neck into smooth shoulders, straight front with good depth and fill, correct spring of pastern and neat feet. Very balanced in outline with a deep brisket, curvy topline and tuck up, strong hind with good bend of stifle and well developed second thigh. Movement was balanced and sound, handled to perfection.

  2. Hutchinson’s Zenobia Just an Illusion with Sweetaurora, 10 month old brindle in the most beautiful soft fine coat and condition, sweet expression but would like a little more underjaw. Elegant neck into correct shoulders and curvy top and underline though still needing to drop a little in brisket, strong unexaggerated hind. Movement still a little puppyish and enthusiastic at times but once settled he showed good reach in profile and sound up and down.

  3. Winkley-Balmer and Winkley’s Bohosoul Firestarter by Edenwhip



JD (10) This was an excellent class, with some really good dogs going cardless.

  1. Brodie & Owen’s Wolfscastle Crown Jules, I really liked this 15 month old quality boy, lightly brindled one side and fawn the other. He is masculine but without a hint of coarseness, quality all through, handsome head with lovely expression, long elegant neck into smooth shoulders, deep brisket and correct fill in front, balanced body shape with good tuck up, strong unexaggerated hind and long tail. Beautiful quality close soft coat and skin, and in fit condition with great muscletone. Moved very well, holding his shape, good reach in profile and sound up and down.

  2. Jones’ Jothryn Johnny be Good JW, 14.5 months brindle of a lovely size and quality, smaller and finer than 1st but still a masculine boy. Beautiful head and expression, elegant neck into smooth shoulders, straight front, good depth of brisket, just like a touch more spring of pastern, neat well knuckled feet. Sweeping curves to his top and underline, well angulated strong hind and long tail to balance. Beautiful fine coat and in lovely condition. Moved very well.

  3. Wilton-Clark’s Shalfleet Oliver Twist JW



YD (2)

  1. Yacoby-Wright’s Ch Cobyco Catch your Eye, 22 months old quality pale fawn boy who is very mature, masculine  and well made, handsome head with a gentle expression, long strong neck into well laid shoulders, deep brisket and straight front with correct spring of pastern. Good length of rib and loin, well balanced in body with strong hind, well developed second thigh and moderate angulation. He has the most beautiful fine close quality coat and skin. He is very impressive on the move, really good reach and drive in profile and foot perfect on the up and back.

  2. Mulligan’s Kierpark Love me Tender at Ashkyem, quality brindle of 14 months, smaller and finer than 1st. He has the most lovely head and expression though I’d like a little more underjaw, elegant neck, straight front with good spring of pastern and neat feet. Still needing to drop a little in brisket and fill in front but he is still a youngster and has a curvy outline with a good tuck up and strong hind with low hocks. In fit and well muscled condition, fine coat, moved well in profile, a little untidy on the up and down as he was a little headstrong today.



MD (4,1a)

  1. Wood’s Ardencote Keep Dreaming, 3rd in MPD, this 6.5 month old golden fawn is still such a baby but has so much quality and promise. Lovely head with appealing expression, long neck into straight front with sufficient fill already and brisket developing, good spring of pastern and neat feet. Very balanced for such a baby, curves to top and underline, strong unexaggerated hind with low hocks. Fine close coat, moved very well and steadily for his age, a lovely pup.

  2. Mulligan’s Kierpark Love me Tender at Ashkyem, 2nd in YD

  3. Perkins’ Zeglynn Winter Pimm’s



SBD (12,5a)

  1. Tristram’s Supeta’s Just Do It, Fawn parti of lovely quality, masculine without coarseness and with a beautiful fine close coat and skin. Handsome head with good underjaw and lovely expression, strong neck into smooth shoulders, deep brisket, straight front with good bone and correct fill in front, strong well sprung pasterns and neat well knuckled feet. Good tuck up and enough rise over loin, strong well muscled hindquarters with developed second thigh, low hocks. A very fit boy with a blanced outline and good flat muscling, moved very well and handled to perfection.

  2. Searle & Rawlinson’s Reffton Tibalt at Whipsearle JW, different in type to 1st, smaller and finer, but he has quality and refinement all through. Lovely head and expression though I’d like a little more underjaw, elegant neck into smooth shoulders, good straight front, correct spring of pastern, neat feet. Deep enough in brisket and he has a lovely curve to his underline, strong hindquarters and second thigh, low hocks and long fine tail to balance. Fine soft quality coat. Moved very soundly.

Two very nice boys.



GD (9,3a)

  1. Gibbin’s Deroonpark Rafferty at Stonefox, Brindle and white of just over a year old and still looking a little immature but what an appealing boy he is. Lovely head and gorgeous expression but would just like a touch more underjaw. Spot on for size and a really balanced outline, long strong neck into straight front with correct fill in front and depth of brisket, enough tuck up, strong unexaggerated hindquarters and a long fine tail to balance. A little unsure of himself on the table but moved out really well, showing good reach and drive and sound up and back.

  2. Cahill & Timberlake’s Shine on Harvey Moon at Chipperlake, this fawn boy is not the most masculine but he is so ‘Whippetty’ and has so much quality and refinement that he can’t be overlooked. Lovely head, elegant neck into smooth shoulders, straight front, flat bone and neat feet, would still like a little more depth of brisket. Curvy top and underline, unexaggerated rear, lovely for size and balanced outline, beautiful fine quality coat and skin. Moved soundly in all directions.

  3. Strong & Clinton’s Crosscop Kiss Me Here for Mackjama



PGD (8,3a)

  1. Supeta’s Just Do It, 1st in SBD

  2. Barkas’ Citycroft Line of Duty, fawn, larger and longer than I like but there is no denying his quality, without a hint of coarseness. He has a handsome head with good underjaw and lovely expression, long strong neck into smooth shoulder, correct front with good fill and depth, bladed bone and neat feet. Strong hind with well developed second thigh, low hocks and long tail to balance. I’d like a little less length of rib and loin and a little more rise. Beautiful fine quality coat and skin. Moved really well with reach and drive, sound in all directions.

  3. Yeates’ Zoraden Maserati



LD (8,1a) This was a strong class.

  1. Poole & Service’s Crosscop Twist and Shout, I haven’t seen this boy before but loved him, he is all curves and quality and so ‘Whippetty’. Fawn boy with white trim in perfect fine coat and fit well muscled condition, no lumps or bumps anywhere. He has a beautiful masculine head and soft expression with good underjaw, fine ears well set, long elegant neck into smooth shoulders, good fill in front and depth of brisket, correct spring of pastern, tight feet. Sweeping curves to his top and underline with a good tuck up, strong hindquarters with well developed second thigh, low hocks and long tail. He is a picture of balance and has the smooth, refined, moderate outline I was looking for. Perfect for size, curvy and masculine but not overdone. Moved very soundly, holding his topline and foot perfect on the up and back though he can lift his tail if moved too fast. It was very very close between him and the open winner for the CC and if I judged them again it could go the other way! But the smoothness and curves of this boy’s outline just swung it for me today CC and RBIS. In the challenge for BIS we agreed that the bitch just had the slight edge on hind movement on the day.

  2. Soffe’s Zoraden Macchiato JW, smoky fawn with white trim and another very nice boy of an ideal size. I preferred the head and expression of 1st but he has an elegant neck into smooth well laid shoulders, straight front with correct fill and depth, flat bone down to neat well knuckled feet, sweeping underline with slight rise over loin. Strong moderately angulated hindquarters with well developed second thigh, low hocks and long tail to balance. Lovely fine quality coat and skin. Moved very well, really good reach and drive and sound up and back, just flattening a touch on the move. Handled to perfection and a willing showman who I considered for the RCC.

  3. Wilton-Clarke’s Shalfleet Chasing the Wind



OD (10,2a) What a hot class! Some dogs I have placed highly before had to go cardless but the quality all through this class was very high.

  1. Winkley- Balmer & Poole’s Ch Edenwhip Can I be Him, I loved this fawn boy when I judged him 2 years ago and now he is fully mature I am still really impressed by him. Beautiful head and expression, correct underjaw and earset, strong neck into well laid shoulders, straight front with good fill and depth of brisket. Would just like tighter feet. Lovely curves to his top and underline, strong hindquarters with well developed second thigh and low hocks. Perfect for size, he is balanced and unexaggerated all through and is so impressive on the move- probably the best mover today- so free and light on his feet with strong reach and drive yet still the daisy cutting movement we want without exaggeration, I could watch him all day. He is a real showman too, and handled to get the very best out of him. RCC, so close up for the top spot.

  2. Perkins & Van  der Schaaf’s Ch Crème Anglaise’s Just Julian with Silkridge, another great showman, this brindle/white trim boy is moderate and with a balanced outline, curves and elegance all through. Handsome masculine head with lovely expression, fine ears well set, long strong neck into smooth shoulders, deep brisket with correct fill, bladed bone, strong well sprung pasterns and neat well knuckled feet. Curvy top and underline, strong hindquarters with well developed second thigh. Short fine quality coat and skin and again correct for size. Another impressive mover, free and light, with strong drive and reach- his handler has to leg it to keep up with him! He is foot perfect in all directions.

  3. Wheeler’s Ch Ranveli Diki Diki, another lovely champion, he was absolutely super on the stand with the most beautiful head and outline, but sadly he was crabbing on the move today.



Liz Winstone (judge)

Web: Mark.a.Smith

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