Est 1948
A friendly Club where all friends and lovers of Whippets
are welcome, especially newcomers
Results June 2022 (Limited)
Judge - Dan Richards
BiS: Bowdonia Clours of the Wind
RBiS: Palmik King Arthur jw
BB: Bowdonia Clours of the Wind
BD: Palmik King Arthur JW
BPiS: Palmik Chasing Rainbows
BViS: Citycroft My Fair Lady or Jasarat JW ShCM
Minor Puppy Dog 2:1a
Runaround Richochet
Puppy Dog 0:0a​
Junior Dog 5:3a
Collooney Charlie Brown at Scarletfair
Denimblue Willdo
Maiden Dog 3:1a
Ryemeadows Midnight Sun
Novice Dog 1:1a
Graduate Dog 3:1a
Maidenbower Maserati
Demerlay on a Promise
Limit Dog
Palmik King Arthur JW
Ranveli BeachBoy at Scarletfair
Lolani Moonshine Over Moneli JW
Collooney the Big Tease
Bowdonia go the Distance for Stalwart
Open Dog 2:2a​
Special Beginners Dog 2:0a
Ranveli run for Fun
Veloxcanis solis valens
Special Racing/Lure Coursing Dog 4: 0a
Denimble Willdo
Ringmore Dalrymple
Ryemeadows Midnight Sun
Veloxcanis solis valens
Veteran DOG or BITCH 7
Citycroft My Fair Lady or Jasarat JW ShCM
Loroli Lets do it with Dehoran
Speymalt Northern Star JW
Dark Wing
Palmik Kandalama Dusk till Dawn JWV ShCEx
Minor Puppy Bitch 4:2a
Palmik Chasing Rainbows
Chiendetom Fanfare
Puppy Bitch 5:2a
Veredon Laurent Perrier
Falconcrag Winter Juniper
Chiendetom Fanfare
Junior Bitch 6
Mulcair Dun and Dusted
Ringmore Iona
Sunwalkers shine on my sins
Chiendetom Fanfare
Selinko Cherise
Maiden Bitch 3: 1a
Selinko Honeysuckle
Chiendetom Fanfare
Novice Bitch 7
Silkridge Safron
Cyangrange Our Tiger Lily
Ringmore Iona
Zoraden Secret Sins at Sunwalkers
Chiendetom Fanfare
Graduate Bitch 8
Silkridge in a Moment
Silkridge Safron
Jasarat Gin Fizz
Limit Bitch 7: 4a
Crosscop Candle in the wind to Supeta
Southgrove Kiss from a Rose at Zeglynn
Cyangrange Our Tiger Lily
Zoraden Secret Sins at Sunwalkers
Chiendetom Overture
Open Bitch 8
Bryntreia Whispered Love at Palmik JW taf
Runaround Symphony
Crosscop Maybe one more at Mulcair JW
Railfield Rain Lookout
Ringmore Hecate
Special Beginners Bitch 4:1a
Citycroft Grace Kelly of Runnel JW
Cyangrange Serendipi Tea
Dapperdiva Doube Whammy
Special Racing/Lure Coursing Bitch 4:2a
Zoraden Fidty Shades Darker JW
Ringmore Hecate